Streetlightning in Maassluis

On this page im showing the fixtures you could find here in my hometown Maassluis when i grew up and the LED fixtures that are now gradually taking over the old street lightning.
The industria 2000, most surtainly was the most populair fixture here in Maassluis, with it being in nearly every neighbourhood. The all had PL-L 36w inside of them.

Speaking of popularity the Industria IRIS was easily in the top 5, with it being in many neighbourhoods apart from the other fixtures as Philips FGS, Schréder Altra. On the picture you see one at night, It replaced a Hellux LRB. The Hellux fixtures were very popular but all got replaced around 2010, so i didn’t particulary grew up with them.

The Philips SRS201, the fixtures that were standing next to my house. You could find them everywhere on the bigger roads with most of them having an external ballast and 90/66w SOX(E) inside.
The Industria Aurora and AEG koffer150 were also in many places, on the smaller but busy roads you could find the Aurora, and on some roads and parking lots the Koffer.
The Schréder Altra wasn't really that popular, but is really worth noticing. Its a really nice fixture and much better then the IRIS and FGS fixtures. You can still found them spotted around Maassluis
2 beauties right here, Before i was born the Philips HRP11 (right fixture) was really popular, with it having MV inside. On the left side is the well known Philips SGS203. A sort off fixture as the Aurora and was also pretty popular around industrial area's.
In the city centre these classic Philips Decoscene fixtures are being placed, they replaced the older classic Hogro OMA fixtures because many of them were stolen because of the copper they had inside.
One of the more special LED fixtures are these ones, don't quite know there name but there are massively being placed in a new neighborhood not so far away of my house. Dont like them dont hate them.
The Philips Townguide, The fixture that has trown the 2000 of the top 1, nearly all of them are being replaced with the Townguide apart from the Philips Urbanstar.
The Philips Luma, the LED fixture that replaced nearly all of the old fixtures on the bigger roads, as the Aurora and the SRS201. The gen1 lumas were placed from 2016-2020. Now the gen2 (what i quite like) is being placed.
Another LED posttop fixture is the Urbanstar, what i talked about earlier. Before the Townguide this was being placed. Also in my street what replaced some Hogro GFK's
Some other fixtures:

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