Since the beginning of collecting I had a fascination for these SL lamps, SL Lamps are fluorescent lamps with a built-in ballast. It all started when I got my hands on my TZP (2019) and dragged in my first SL* lamp, the SL*13 Comfort. After this I quickly got a Decor version and that summer (2021) I bought the first adv on Marktplaats (dutch second-hand website) with many SL. and so on...

The first ad on Marktplaats

May 2021

Where it al began, my first prismatic gen1 SL’s, consists of 3 gen1 lamps, 2 gen3 lamps and 1 gen4 lamp

Marktplaats Ad 2

August 2021

This ad was labeled as a batch of SL 18 R (reflector) and in my opinion this is 1 of my favorite types of SL, apparently I came into contact with another collector who specifically collects this with this ad. Later in the year I also got in touch with him (see next few updates) So the find was all types gen2, 1 gen1 and of course a SL18R

Marktplaats Ad 3 

October 2021

I find this ad around my birthday where this was also a kind of gift from a family member. There are a few nice SLs, all new in the box!

Secondhand store 1

November 2021

I found the great find at a thrift store near me, with of course a very special one called a SL* 25 Opal (5th lamp)

The SL* Collection grows

December 2021

A complete overview of the collection in the winter of 2021, some more lamps i acquired from thrift stores.

A big difference!

February 2022

In january the other SL* collector came around and we traded and i bought some SL lamps, many actually haha. We also went to Rotterdam where we got some other SL's too!

Marktplaats Ad 4

March 2022

The holy grail, one of the best Markplaats ad's i bought ever. What consist of the complete set of the rare Splendor verions of the SL. What makes it even more rare is that the are brandnew and the boxes were in mint condition!

The Hague

April 2022

On this day i went to the Hague with Hein (the other SL* collector). We went to many thrift stores and this is what we found! Even 2 Osram LPS lamps for 2,- each.

The SL* Kubo

June 2022

The day finally came, i got myself an SL* Kubo with help from another collecter, still one of the most beautiful lamps in my collection.

The last SL* update in the old room.

December 2022

The last SL* update in my old room, i gained a lot more SL’s from meetings and some from thrift stores.

New room!

February 2023

Moved to my new room, ofcourse there needed to be a new display! 

SL* update

May 2023

The first SL* update in my room, now with more space i don’t need to lay them on my bed! There are some more lamps i mostly got from Hein. There is also a new section with some ‘special’ SL’s

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